
Showing posts from October, 2021

Houston Apartments Forecast "Sunny With A Chance Of Serious Cost Increases"

This is a hot topic and we've been trying to convey it to our clients. Properties are full in many areas of Houston, especially in the suburbs where rental rates seem to be a little lower than downtown. And yes, rents have skyrocketed. The rental rates are not expected to go down and that's why you need an apartment locator, we do the research for you. Some of our previous clients are now experiencing lease renewal increases of $200+ monthly. Quotes we provided to our clients a couple of months ago who were looking a little early are now $100 to $200+ above those prices!  Every industry and business has been affected by shortages but especially the housing market, multifamily housing as in apartments, to homes for sale and even rental homes and that's all due to the pandemic causing a shortage of building supplies among other things. Once you read the touchpoints of this article you'll see what we've been talking about. The largest property management companies, Gre